This is the hard SPS (small polyps stony) coral that many reef hobbyists aspire to keep due to their beauty and the challenge of their care. Acropora comes in a huge variety of colors and shapes, and so is highly sought-after by experienced reefers.
The ones I have are small frags which were purchased or traded with private propagators and hobbyists, some of the blue-tipped ones originally from Dr. Mac's line. I do not have a setup which is SPS-heavy, due to their high lighting needs, and the fact that I keep many soft corals (these are aggressive colonizers that can push out other corals by a chemical warfare process many corals are capable of, known as allelopathy). My 60gal tank just does not have metal halides currently (it is on 330W of PC and VHO mixed lights),
and so I'd like to concentrate on keeping softies for now, with only an odd scattering of easier SPS.
Acropora is not really a good beginner's first-time coral, due to its stringent water quality, trace mineral dosing and lighting needs. Out of my SPS, I've only written about Acropora and Montipora as examples; I do also have Mycedium, Stylophora and Seriatopora, but they are not worth mentioning because they are currently just very small frags.