This was a large and beautiful piece that I got as someone else was getting rid of all their soft corals in preparation to create an SPS-only tank. It is a beautiful leather and stands high atop live rock like a tree.
It did give me quite a scare, however, after a kalkwasser overdosing incident came close to wiping out several corals. Fortunately enough, after looking like it was sagging and dying for about two weeks, a bunch of water changes really seemed to revive it. Today it is perked up again, fully open, and more beautiful than ever. I will say that it is one of the corals in my tank that seems most responsive to excessive heat (I may consider getting a chiller if adding more fans to my 60gal tank does not improve the situation.
Early on, I did have another that did not do so well for unknown reasons (probably not enough flow, part of it got an infection), so I cut it apart, since softies are so easy to frag, and distributed the pieces across my tank. I now have many small finger leathers popping up in random spots in addition to this large beauty.